Saturday, March 31, 2012

Barefoot in Blue

So this AM when I got up, I check my email on my phone and this is what I seen:

Barefoot in the blue, is a Limited-Edition nail polish color from "Essie", they team up with "Toms" for a good reason! AND I think its a damn good reason.

"One Day Without Shoes"  On April 10, Go without shoes so, kids don't have to.

millions of kid go without shoes everyday, exposing there feet to injury and disease everyday. think about it with one pair of shoes it can help that child cut back on being sick, injury there self, and exposing there self to all kind of soil infections.

On April the 10th you can go a day with out shoes, ( wow just 1 day) So will know how it fell to go with out shoes and also help spread the word.


4,000,000: people have podoconiosis, a debilitating and disfiguring soil-based disease.Source: G.Davey / Estimate as of 2011

740,000,000people are affected by hookworm which can cause intestinal pain, weakness and cognitive impairment\Source: WHO

30,000people live on one landfill in the Philippines, where many are without shoes and are exposed to broken glass, syringes and debris.
Source: Asian Development Bank

1,890,000Kenyan children are infected by jiggers, burrowing fleas that cause painful infection. 
Source: Ahadi Kenya Trust

To find ways you can help and to get involved visit:  One day with out shoes 

so on to the super cute Nail polish I will be rocking on April 10th 

( I put the nail polish on quick)

When ever you have time go out and buy Essis Barefoot in the blue, get one the color is pretty, and it for a good reason.

I will be barefoot April 10th, WILL YOU?

until next time my peaches love


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

2 pic

2 pic i don't know y just love this night with the bf he didn't want 2 get in the pic booooo 

hope everyone week going good! untill next time 


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Food "im so fat"

My mom say I love take pictures of food all the damn time... I just be like WTF ever..

so last night I was looking throw all of my picture that I have taken over the past couple years and Damn she right!

I do take a lot of pictures of my food!  WOW I guess i am, a fats ass ... and it is showing that why i'm on my get fine by summer time diet!

So i decide to show u some of my fav food pic. lol I hope u enjoy, SN: Some of the pictures are pissing me off cause im going (for some damn reason)  3m with out meat.. UGH!!!

 HOT Sausage dog

 Hot dog from the Varsity Atlanta

 vortex burger

 Salad from Vortex bar and grill

 Alligator bits

 green tomato

 Banana Foster

 Taco Home Made

love just for got the name of it
 Blue burger at Vortex

 Big Daddy Soul Food

Lad Na so damn good

 food from the BF house


Khao Poon

 Food from "Hot Cafe"

 Big daddy " food"

Cook at my house

Well i hope the pictures made you as hungry as they have made me
me and my boyfriend love to eat with family and friends.

Damn I miss meat until next time


what your fav food?

Monday, March 12, 2012

NO Meat

So a little update... let see i'm still on that never end ride with my BF... ( i know crazy right)

SO AND I STOP EATING MEAT!!!!!  I'm 2 weeks strong (Yes), its been super hard, my boyfriend love meat so when we go out and eat OMG his food look sooo damn good! ugh sometimes I just want to jump over the table and just jump in his lap like hes Santa Claus or like i'm going 2 give him a sexy lab dance, then command him to feed me his meat!

Ugh I know right!

Let see I been working out so I will not think about food, And trying to get right by summer time!

spending money,

I got a good deal on this nail polish it was 2 for 6 at Sally I got 4, good deal right!

yep this no meat driving me crazy but I will stating strong! THIS MEAT will not make me weak

LMAO until next time laquiaxoxo

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

filling so emo

This has been a hard week for me! i'm not trying to go all emo on you so i'm going to try to keep this post short.

 My relationship with my boyfriend had been so up and down, like most people we have good times and  not so good times. but We been riding strong for about 4years but some time it just a big.... And i want to jump off when it stop...But call me crazy i love the ride

No one can ever tell me what to do in my relationship, I know what best for me and him.. but sometime I just fell so ugh!.

Idk I have a lot to think about, who knows maybe my next post will be about how much I love him or the end of the road!

until next time laquiaxoxo