Last night I was reading a story in "
GLAMOUR" about Interracial Relationship. The story was title " Color-Blind Love Always a Do!" Its a good little story pick up its a good. When I was reading that story it made me think about the relationship I have with my boyfriend. I'm African American And my Boyfriend is Laos American. When I was reading the story one thing that the person talk about in the story was being accept by family.
Well we never had a issues with that, which I was very happy about. The only thing that was hard at first was the way people look at us almost like there surprise. UMM idk I think its kind of funny sometime. but the one that look super hard i just want to be like "what the fuck you look at"?! But that will be wrong of me and just rude o well, so i just smile and keep it moving
The good thing that have came out of my relationship is all the new things that i have learned being with him,. .
Hear are some of my fav interracial couple on and off T.V :0)
R&B singer Robin Thick and His sexy wife Paula Patton |
Model & Fashion Designer Kimora Lee Simmons and Husband Actor Djimon Hounsou |
Model Heidi Klum and Husband singer Seal |
NBA player Lamar and his wife business woman Khloe Kardashian |
Disney princess Tiana and her prince hehe so cute
Me and My BF!!! |
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