Friday, January 21, 2011

Girls night in!

This is a small Post, me and some of my car club members did a all "Sky High" all girls night in we ate good, drink, played cards  o and played the Xbox dace game!!! So much fun!!

SUPER SAD :0( LOST the rest of the pic o well NEXT TIME I will have more and better Picture!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

# Party with your home Girls!

Who said on Valentine's Day YOU HAVE TO BE ALONE? If You have Good Friends then you will have a Good Valentine's Day!  So here r some of my tips for a good Valentines time "Girls in V Night Party". 
1. Send out a text or Funny email to your friends, letting them know about the Party! EX: Who need a MAN for Valentine's? NOT ME, so come to my house for so good Valentines day fun! 

2.  The first thing you need is a good drink

Pink Martini 

2 ounces good-quality gin
½ ounce guava nectar
½ ounce fresh orange juice
orange twist (for garnish)

½ ounce white rum
½ ounce Galliano
½ ounce pineapple juice
¼ ounce fresh lime juice
¼ ounce grenadine
3 to 5 ounce chilled champagne

3. The Food!!! 

Good food always make for a good night! So by this being Valentines why not ask your friends that coming over to bring there Favorite candy to share with the girls!  
 I think most off the food at the party need to be Valentines them =)( hell the candy need to be)  well that just so if you fill the same way hear or some Examples!

 As you can see these r some examples of sweets food you cave at your party also ways that you can set up your party!!!  I think the last one is my favorite! 

4. Games!!!!! What a better game then " BASH YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND" Tell your home girl to bring there ex pictures to the party ( more then one)  you can have fun from setting them on fire, or blow you can blow up a balloon before everyone get there ( make sure u put something in the balloon like candy, rings something cute etc.)  have the girls to put there pic on the balloon and they can pop them how ever they like. =0) at the good something good will come out of it! everyone win 

At the end the end trust me ladies yall will have a good night!!!!! 

Make sure u check out 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thing to do for V day!

Well as we all know that Valentine Day is coming up! So I will be doing a few post on "THING TO DO FOR V   DAY" so look out for it!
1.Party with your Home Girls.
2. Thing to get your Special Someone
3. Place to Go, or thing to do ( With Out Spending a lot of money)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It been so much going on from Georgia Ice Strom (SUCK) And my birthday! I been try to get my pic  off blackberry so a super long post coming soon!!!  laquiaxoxo

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year!!!

SO for this NEW YEAR 20 11 im going to try and do it the right way by blogging  more.. Begin On my birthday(13) :0)  will be my 1st real  post of the new! SO stay tune this year, Yall will not be let down! Happy 20 11 ever one!!!